2017년 2월 11일 토요일

I'm back!

I'm back.

Back in Korea after a hiatus of five months.

Back to this blog after a longer hiatus.  I stopped blogging for a while because I didn't want to publicly announce my plans to end my contract.  I'd made the decision to come home for a semester and reapply to EPIK for the February intake.

But then, more changed.  This happened.
And this happened.
And suddenly it was just too much to blog about, especially as I was only in Minnesota for a matter of months (away from my husband and in this very new, exciting, terrifying, and wonderful phase of life) so I've let this blog fall to the wayside.

But now that I'm back in Korea, living in the home Jun has prepared for me and our baby, nesting to the fullest and jobless, I think I'll have more time to blog.  The forgetfulness of "pregnancy brain" is very, very real, but I'm going to do my best.

Stay tuned, Readers.